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The Ultimate Guide to Waxing Your Slyde Handboard: A Beginner's Tutorial [VIDEO]

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The Ultimate Guide to Waxing Your Slyde Handboard: A Beginner's Tutorial [VIDEO]

Expert Techniques for Flawless Wax Application on Your Handboard

Waxing your Slyde Handboard is essential to enhancing your bodysurfing experience, ensuring a firm grip and overall better performance in the water.

This beginner's guide walks you through the process step by step, making it simple and efficient.

Whether you're new to bodysurfing or looking to refine your technique, this tutorial has got you covered.


A question we often receive from our customers is, "How do you wax your handboard?" Recognizing the importance of this process, we've put together a comprehensive guide.

While some may find waxing straightforward, it can appear daunting for beginners.

In addition to traditional waxing, we also mention the alternative of using a grip, which we offer for those who prefer a hassle-free option.

However, waxing has its unique benefits, providing a natural feel that many enthusiasts prefer.

Why Wax Your Handboard?

Natural Feel and Enhanced Grip

Waxing your handboard offers a better grip and adds a natural feel to your bodysurfing experience. The tactile connection between your hand and the board is improved with the right type of wax, making your ride smoother and more controlled.

Tailoring to Water Temperatures

Different types of waxes are suited to various water temperatures. Choosing the suitable wax to prevent it from becoming too hard in warm water or too soft in cold water is crucial. This adaptability ensures your handboard remains in optimal condition regardless of the surfing conditions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Waxing Your Handboard

Step 1: Choosing the Right Wax

Select a wax corresponding to the water temperature you'll be surfing in. For example, a wax suitable for temperatures ranging from 32°F to 68°F is a versatile choice for most conditions.

Step 2: Preparing Your Handboard

Before applying wax, remove the strap of your handboard using a screwdriver. If it's a new board or simply for cleanliness, wipe it down first to remove any dirt or residue.

Step 3: Applying the Wax

Open your wax and apply it gently onto the area where your hand will be positioned. Begin lightly, allowing the wax to clump up gradually. This process creates a textured surface that significantly improves grip. Ensure to cover both the longitudinal and crosswise directions for an even application.

Step 4: Creating Texture

Continue waxing until the desired texture and grip are achieved. It's important not to overdo it; just enough wax to form small bumps will suffice. This texture is critical to a secure grip during your bodysurfing adventures.

Step 5: Reattaching the Strap

Once you're satisfied with the waxing, it's time to reattach the strap. Adjust the strap to your preferred setting, ensuring it's snug but comfortable, allowing for optimal hand placement and board control.

Additional Tips

  • Wax Selection: Be mindful of the wax's temperature range to ensure it performs well in your local conditions.
  • Waxing Surface: Use a soft surface to lay your handboard on while waxing to prevent damage.
  • Maintenance: Regularly check and touch up the wax on your handboard to maintain optimal performance.


Waxing your Slyde Handboard is a simple yet crucial part of your bodysurfing preparation.

By following this beginner's guide, you'll ensure your board is ready for the waves, providing you with a secure grip and an enjoyable surfing experience.

Remember, practice is critical to mastering any skill, so don't hesitate to refine your technique as you gain more experience. Happy bodysurfing!

We hope this guide helps you get the most out of your Slyde Handboard.

Whether catching waves at your local beach or exploring new waters, the right preparation makes all the difference. Keep surfing, keep learning, and most importantly, have fun out there!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Incorporating these FAQs into your understanding of waxing a Slyde Handboard will not only deepen your knowledge but also refine your skills in maintaining optimal board performance. We cover a range of common inquiries, from selecting the right wax to the nuances of application techniques.

What is a Slyde Handboard?

A Slyde Handboard is a compact surfboard designed specifically for bodysurfing, providing enhanced speed, control, and maneuverability on the waves. It's held in one hand, allowing surfers to glide across the water's surface more effectively.

Why is Waxing Your Handboard Important?

How Do I Choose the Right Wax for My Handboard?

The choice of wax depends on the water temperature where you will be surfing. There are different waxes for cold, cool, warm, and tropical water conditions. Selecting the correct wax ensures it maintains the right consistency for optimal grip.

Can I Use Any Type of Wax on My Handboard?

While there are various types of wax available, it's important to use surf wax specifically designed for the water temperature you'll be encountering. Using the wrong type of wax can result in a too hard or too soft surface, affecting your grip.

How Often Should I Wax My Handboard?

It's advisable to wax your handboard before each use to ensure the best grip. Additionally, inspect the wax before surfing and reapply as necessary, especially if you notice areas where the wax has worn thin.

What's the Best Way to Remove Old Wax from My Handboard?

To remove old wax, start by using a wax comb or a plastic scraper to gently scrape off the top layers. For stubborn wax, you can place your handboard in the sun for a few minutes to soften the wax, making it easier to remove. However, avoid excessive heat exposure to prevent damage to the board.

Is There an Alternative to Waxing?

Yes, some surfers use grip pads instead of wax for their handboards. Grip pads offer a permanent solution that doesn't require reapplication but may not provide the same natural feel as wax. It's a matter of personal preference.

How Do I Apply Wax to My Handboard Properly?

Begin by cleaning the surface of your handboard. Then, using a circular motion, apply a base coat of wax evenly across the area where your hand will be placed. After the base coat, add a topcoat of temperature-appropriate wax in a crisscross pattern to build up the grip.

Can I Over-Wax My Handboard?

Yes, applying too much wax can make the board slippery rather than providing additional grip. Aim for a thin, even layer with enough texture for grip, and avoid excessive buildup.

What Temperature Wax Should I Use for Warm Water?

For warm water conditions (approximately 64°F to 74°F or 18°C to 23°C), use a warm water wax. This type of wax is formulated to stay tacky and not melt in warmer temperatures.

How Can I Make My Wax Last Longer?

To extend the life of your wax job, avoid leaving your handboard in direct sunlight or in a hot car, as heat can cause the wax to melt and spread. After use, rinse your board with fresh water and store it in a cool, shaded place.

Does the Type of Wax Affect My Performance?

The type of wax can influence your grip on the handboard, which in turn affects your control and performance in the water. Using the correct type and applying it properly can make a significant difference in your bodysurfing experience.

Can I Wax a New Handboard Immediately?

Yes, you should wax a new handboard before its first use. New boards have a slick surface that needs wax for proper grip. Clean the board first to remove any residues from manufacturing before applying wax.

What Should I Do If My Handboard Gets Too Hot and the Wax Melts?

If the wax on your handboard melts due to heat exposure, carefully remove the softened wax and reapply a fresh layer. In the future, try to keep your board out of direct sunlight when not in use.

Is It Necessary to Remove and Reapply Wax Regularly?

It's beneficial to remove old wax and apply a fresh layer periodically to maintain optimal grip and board condition. Over time, wax can collect dirt and lose its effectiveness.

Can I Use Candle Wax as a Substitute for Surf Wax?

Candle wax is not recommended as a substitute for surf wax. Surf wax is specially formulated to provide grip in water at various temperatures, while candle wax does not offer the same properties and may harm your board's surface.

Incorporating these FAQs into your handboard maintenance routine will enhance your bodysurfing experience, ensuring you enjoy every wave with confidence and control.

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